Onsite Tech Support When You Need It
PC * Mac * Networking * Software
Hardware * CCTV * Custom Built PC's
Network Backup or Storage configured for your needs
Desktop Support
Logo's & Artwork
Custom Company, Website and Club Logo's/Artwork
Home and Office Network Configuration and Wiring
PC and Mac support
TV Setup & Wall Mounting
Custom PC's
Setup/Mount Flat Screen and Peripherals
Network, CCTV, Video and Audio
Built Specifically For You and Your Needs
Home or Office NAS
Professionally Installed CCTV Security Cameras

Data Recovery
Professional Data Recovery Provided By Drive Crash
Low Voltage Wiring
Monrovia Tech Support was specifically setup with the customer's peace of mind set as our number one priority.
Most computer repair shops or companies will require you to bring your machine in, stand in line and explain the problem to someone who can't really troubleshoot anything because all the information wont be available to him.
When you get sick does your doctor just look at the symptom or does he look past that and check everything to find the root of the problem?
We come out to your home or office and troubleshoot the problem with all the information in one place so that we can present you with a solution as quickly and painlessly as possible.
You will always deal with one person and one person only. No more explaining to multiple people over and over again.

Email: luke@monroviatech.com
Tel: 626.863.3379
Mon-Sat (9am-6pm) $125ph
Sun/After Hours $225ph
Call for holiday rates
All jobs have a minimum 1hr charge